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Arm sling in spanish translation-There are 2 main translations of sling in Spanish sling 1 sling 2 sling 1 cabestrillo, n Pronunciation /slɪŋ/ See Spanish definition of cabestrillo noun 1 Medicine cabestrillo masculine to have one's arm in a sling — llevar el brazo en cabestrillo English example sentences 2 (for carrying) (rifle) portafusil masculine (baby) canguro masculineWearing a Shoulder Sling Spanish Wearing a Shoulder Sling Cómo usar un cabestrillo para el hombro A shoulder sling is used to support your arm after injury or surgery It may also be used to limit movement or to raise the arm to reduce pain and swelling When to wear the sling All the time until your follow up appointment As you need for comfort During the day At night while you

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Translation of "arm sling" in Spanish arm brazo brazos ARM armar arma sling Sling cabestrillo honda eslinga arnés Triangular bandage for wrapping injuries and making an arm sling Vendaje triangular para cubrir lesiones y hacer un cabestrillo para el brazo You will wear an arm sling for 24 hours Usará por 24 horas un cabestrillo para el brazoSee synonyms for sling Translate sling into Spanish noun 1 A flexible strap or belt used in the form of a loop to support or raise a hanging weight ‘the horse had to be supported by a sling fixed to the roof’ More example sentences ‘They often looked unarmed, but they always had a defensive trick hidden away;Click the "Load Example" button to view a random slang phraseYou can also use the Leet Sheet to translate leetspeak phrases
Translate "sling" to Spanish cabestrillo, charpa English Synonyms of "sling" arm sling Define meaning of "sling" Bandage for the arm that is held around the neck ;To have one's arm in a sling llevar el brazo en cabestrillo to have one's ass in a sling especially (US) estar con el culo a rastras (informal) ;Spanish is the official language of more than countries in the world, and it has about 500 million native speakers So, imagine the huge amount of slang words and expressions we could find for each country that speaks Spanish!
Sling translate anduh, selempang, kerekan, melempar, gantung Learn more in the Cambridge EnglishMalay DictionaryTo have one’s arm in a sling llevar el brazo en cabestrillo idiom to have one's ass in a sling (especially US) (vulgar) estar con el culo a rastras (inf) ⧫ tener la soga al cuello (inf) 3 (Nautical) eslinga f 4 (for rifle etc) portafusil m transitive verb 1 (= throw) arrojar ⧫ lanzar ⧫ echarSpanish Translation for sling dictcc EnglishSpanish Dictionary

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Use our text translation Would you like to add some words, phrases or translations?Many translated example sentences containing "arm sling strap" – SpanishEnglish dictionary and search engine for Spanish translationsNoun 1 (medicine) a el cabestrillo (m) means that a noun is masculine Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol)

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Check out Sling similar words like Slinger, Slinging and Slings;Translations for sling in the Spanish One makes an overhand throw, using the sling to extend one's arm enwikipediaorg Would you like to translate a full sentence?Use the Slang Translator to translate entire phrases that contain acronyms, abbreviations, and other slang terms Just enter a phrase and click "Translate" to view the translationWant to see an example?

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Contextual translation of "arm sling" into alog Human translations with examples tite, bisig, braso, lambanogTranslate Armselig See SpanishEnglish translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and wordbyword explanationsLa honda Translation by Vocabulix English Spanish Sample sentences She is wearing a sling because she broke her arm Ella tiene puesto un cabestrillo porque se rompió el brazo So we first went to look for other hotels in the area, some where horrible even though they were rated as three star hotels In the

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Bandage to support an injured forearm;Sling sling 1 / slɪŋ / verbo transitivo siempre adverbio/preposición (slung / slʌŋ /) 1 tirar, aventar • She slung the suitcase onto the bed Tiró la maleta sobre la cama • He slung his jacket over his shoulder Se echó la chaqueta al hombro 2 colgar, guindar be slung around / over something estar colgado a de algo • He wore a tool belt slung around his waistTo cast (v t) A strap attached to a firearm, for suspending it from the shoulder (v t) To pass a rope

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This slang words and expressions found in this article come mostly from Spain and some Latin American countries/ slɪŋ/ us / slɪŋ/ a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck and put your arm into when it is hurt cabestrillo (Translation of sling from the Cambridge EnglishSpanish Dictionary © CambridgeTranslate "arm sling" to Spanish cabestrillo English Synonyms of "arm sling" sling Define meaning of "arm sling" Bandage for the arm that is held around the neck

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Translation for 'arm sling' in the free EnglishGerman dictionary and many other German translationsSpanish Forúnculos Los forúnculos son bultos dolorosos llenos de pus Se forman debajo de la piel cuando un folículo piloso se infecta con gérmenes llamados bacterias Un folículo es el lugar donde crece el cabello o el vello Los forúnculos pueden aparecer en cualquier parte del cuerpo, pero es más común encontrarlos en el rostro, el cuello, las axilas, las nalgas y los muslos PorTranslation for 'arm sling' in the free EnglishSpanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations

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Sling colgar verb hang, hang up, dangle, hang out, hang down la braga noun diaper, nappy lanzar verb launch, throw, release, pitch, send viscoso adjective viscous, viscose, sticky, viscid, gooey el tirador escondido noun slingshot, marksman, sniper, skirmisher alzar verb raise, lift, lift up, hoist, hold up, raise up Find more words!Learn the translation for ‘sling’ in LEO’s English ⇔ Spanish dictionary With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainerTener la soga al cuello (informal) His ass is in a sling

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Check 'sling' translations into Greek Look through examples of sling translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience Got it!Sling Urdu Translation is الرافعة English Arabic Arabic English Sling الرافعة SLING Synonyms & Definition • Sling (v t) To hang so as to swing;Translation for 'arm in a sling' in English>Chinese dictionary Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 490 language pairs

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(12) A lot of people swear by carrying the baby everywhere in a sling (13) Add the extendable sling , and even cutouts on the lobes indicating size, and we have a winner (14) Group 1 fractures are treated conservatively with an arm sling for comfort, even if significant displacement is presentHonda (arma) sling cabestrillo sling lanzar to throw, to hurl, to pitch, to launch, to roll out tirar to pull, to draw, to throw, to hurl, to toss, to shoot, to throw away, to throw out, to waste, to attract, to knock down, to shoot, to fire, to launch, to get by,Consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck

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Spanish Translation of “sling” The official Collins EnglishSpanish Dictionary online Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrasesTranslation of "sling" in Spanish cabestrillo honda eslinga arnés suspensión bandolera fular canguro lanzar colgar tirar arrojar echar tirachinas correa cuerda Convenient sling waist bag suitable for outdoor short travel Práctica bolsa de cintura con cabestrillo adecuada para viajes cortos al aire libre Tie a splint or sling around the limbTranslate Armselig See SpanishEnglish translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and wordbyword explanations

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To have one's arm in a sling llevar el brazo en cabestrillo he had his arm in a sling llevaba el brazo en cabestrillo I'll just sling on a few clothes enseguida me pongo algo to sling out tirar a la basuraA n 1 (=weapon) honda f 2 (Med) cabestrillo m to have one's arm in a sling llevar el brazo en cabestrillo IDIOMS to have one's ass in a sling (esp US) *** estar con el culo a rastras * , tener la soga al cuello * 3 (Naut) eslinga f 4 (for rifle etc) portafusil m b vtGlosbe Log in English Greek slime slime mold slime mould sliminess slimy sling sling my hook Slings and arrows slingshot slink slip slip away slip between the cracks slip by slip

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